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Environmental Studies

Using Discovery

WorldCat Discovery is a search service that allows you to search across all library collections (books, DVDs, ebooks, journal articles). It can be a good place to find material if you don't know which database to start with, if you're having trouble with a subject-specific database, or if you want material in different formats.

Search Discovery

WorldCat Discovery searches multiple resources including books, journal articles, images, and more. It can be used for both electronic resources and items in our library.

Databases Tips

  • Use full text filtering to find articles you can access immediately.
  • Filter by a date range to ensure recent articles when currency is important.
  • Try many variations of search terms and phrases.
  • Pay attention to the terminology and subject headings in articles to find new search terms.
  • Add quotation marks around a phrase to search for the words in that exact order.
  • Avoid extra words in your searches (the, a, etc) and use only keywords instead of entire phrases.

Recommended Databases