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PHIL 240: Ethics: Print Resources in Myrin

This guide is for students doing research in PHIL 240: Ethics. It focuses on discovering sources and authors from around the world.

Using Encyclopedias and Reference Works

Encyclopedias and other reference books can be a great place to start exploring topics and beginning your research.  They can introduce you to scholars in the field and give you an overview of scholarship that has been done in the past on your topic.  Many of these resources will also provide useful bibliographies that can lead you to more information.

While the examples below deal specifically with ethics and world philosophies, it is important to note that one might also consult a more general encyclopedia and look for a specific subject contained within.  For example, one might look up the topic of "Bioethics" in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Call Number: Reference 100 R765) to find relevant information.

Print Reference Books in Myrin Library

Print Books in Myrin's Circulating Collection

The following are some examples of print books available in the circulating collection of Myrin Library.  Examples include specific ethical topics (note that we have a series of books on "Contemporary World Issues"), general ethics works and non-western philosophical texts.  These books were found in the catalog by using search terms listed on the right side of this page.

When you find a book that is particularly useful for your research, please make a note of the call number and be sure to physically browse the shelf at that location or do a virtual browse in OneSearch.  You are likely to find other useful books there-- you may literally "stumble upon" something great!

Useful Search Terms - Subject Headings Used in Catalogs

Catalogs use "controlled vocabulary" to classify items.  The following is a list of some general ethical example terms that can be used in various combinations to retrieve works from the catalog:

"Ethics"  "Social ethics"  "Morale" 

"Ethical problems"  "Situation ethics"

"Moral motivation"  "Human rights"

"Ethics" AND "Case Studies"

The following terms are used for specific topical treatments in ethics :

"Bioethics" or "Medical ethics"

"Environmental ethics" or "Environmental responsibility"

"Military ethics"

"Business ethics"

"Pharmaceutical ethics"

"Sexual ethics"

Specific topics can also be found without the use of ethics terminology:

"Female Genital Mutilation" or "Female Genital Cutting" or "Female Circumcision"


"Data Protection"


"Disaster Relief"

Combine a geographic region with a topic in the following way:

"Africa" AND "Ethics"

"China" AND "Globalization"

A particular religious or philosophical discipline can be searched in this way:

"Buddhist ethics"

"Christian ethics"

"Jewish ethics"

Try combining any topic of interest with "Moral and ethical aspects" or "Ethics" in the following way:

"Globalization" AND "Moral and ethical aspects"

"Global warming" AND "Moral and ethical aspects"

"Biomedical enhancement" AND "Ethics"

"Medical innovations" AND "Moral and ethical aspects"

"International relations" AND "Moral and ethical aspects"

"Clothing trade" AND "Moral and ethical aspects"


Bibliographic item records will usually be tagged with lists of subject headings or keywords.  When you find an item that is useful to your research, please make a note of other terms listed in the record.  These terms can help you with other searches to find more items.