WorldCat Discovery searches multiple resources including books, journal articles, images, and more. It can be used for both electronic resources and items in our library.
Art Books in Myrin Library are located in three main areas:
Want a book that we don't have in the library? You can directly link into the InterLibrary Loan (ILL) system.
Citing your sources properly -- yes, even the images you use! -- is important and required.
Purdue University's OWL Writing Lab Citation resources are the best ones out there on the web. Generally, Art and Art History courses require that you use either MLA or Chicago style. Detailed information on both styles are availble here.
Diane can help with citations, too!
Use the Library Catalog to search for books on a particular Art related topic, starting with a general "All Fields" search to see what you can find. Make sure to note which location the book is found in.
If you are not having much luck with the keyword search, you can use a "Subject" search by choosing that tag from the drop down menu on the main search page to hone in on a specific topic.
This can be tricky, but here are some examples of what you can use (the links will take you directly into the catalog with the search results for these subject terms):
To search by Time Period or Location, Using the Subject Headings, try things like this:
For photography, try: