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Physics Research Guide: Online Resources

A guide to research in Physics.

Scholarly Article Databases

There are many academic databases which archive scholarly for research purposes.  Available records include journal articles, essays, excerpts from books, and news clippings, complete with bibliographical material and citation information.  These sites are a great place to begin one's research and can help build the references for your research papers.

Ursinus College subscribes to a number of these databases, free for students to use, and the links are provided below.

Interlibrary Loan

Sometimes it's possible to find an abstract for an article or journal which may be useful to your research, but the document itself is unavailable online or in print at Mryin Library.  In these cases, one should use the Interlibrary Loan system to request a copy from another library that has access to that item.

The ILL website can be found on the Myrin Library homepage or through the link below, and requires you to log in.  Once in the system, you must provide the journal title, volume, issue number, article title, page, and author, among other necessary information to insure the correct article is processed.

You will receive an email when your interlibrary loan has arrived, indicating how to access your requested item.

Online Study Guides

Oftentimes it is useful just having a big list of important physics equations at one's disposal.  Luckily, there are many websites dedicated to compiling these necessary concepts, and the associated math. Most sites also make sure to explain how to perform these equations, what they measure, and how they relate to or are derived from one another.

From calculus to quantum physics, online resources can be great for homework help and exam preparation


There are numerous online science journals, as well as archives of reputable journal publications, which are great places to stay up to date with the latest scientific discoveries, and fabulous resources to start one's research.  While Ursinus subscribes to several such sites for students to use, there are many more worth exploring or even joining as an online member.